Move In Day: One City Center
After months of delays, move in day to my new condo has finally come. It is, in fact, today.
Move In Day: Before
Entry Hall. The view is to the north. The kitchen is at the end and around the corner on right. The washer/dryer and machine unit are behind the louvered doors.
Kitchen. Decent enough. The balcony runs the length of the kitchen on the left.
Balcony. I took this picture while standing in the living room with my back facing west.
I’m glad the panes of glass separating my balcony from my neighbors’ are frosted because I will get morning light from the east. By the way, my neighbors are a couple from Singapore whose daughter goes to Duke. I imagine I will never ever see them. (But I do plan to go to Singapore in May.)
Living Room.The views are north and west.

I caught the corner of the top of the 21 C building in the lower mid section on the left. The big building dominating the middle window pane on the right is Durham Centre (and why did they spell ‘center’ like that?)
Bedroom. The view is to the west. If you look in the center of the right-hand window pane, you will see Duke Chapel. It’s the little speck rising up on the horizon where the ground meets the sky, more or less in the middle.
Bathroom. Of course that’s me in the reflection taking the picture. And now that I look at the picture more closely, I’ll be darned but I think that’s Duke Chapel again to the right of my hand.
The condo is 850 square feet (79 square meters). With the balcony it comes to 1000 square feet (93 square meters). These pictures were taken last week.
Move In Day: After
It was a lot, lot easier than I had anticipated. I must have done a much better job of getting rid of stuff in Florida than I had thought. The movers were in and out in two hours.
Entry Hall. Needs some work
Kitchen. Minimal mess
Kitchen. Maximal mess
Living Room. First piece of furniture to be placed in the condo, my sofa

Rather sculptural
Living room. Shaping up
Living room. Arranged for now
Balcony. Area for uncrating certain items
Bedroom. Beginning
Bedroom. Needs work
Bathroom. Easiest room
I’ll update you when I’ve got everything in place.
Categorised in: Adventure, North America, North Carolina
This post was written by Julie Tetel Andresen
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